A Successful Bridge Removal
Euro Demolition & Dismantling have successfully completed the stripping and dismantling of a 60 meter-long sealed conveyer bridge at a redundant open-cast coal mining site in Cumnock, Scotland.
The Bridge’s site, located 30 miles south east of Kilmarnock was susceptible to extreme weather conditions due to its remote hillside location. The possible weather conditions, as well as a major river running beneath the bridge were prominent considerations in the planning and were aligned closely to the risk assessments and methodologies for this project.
Before the sealed conveyor bridge could be stripped and removed, it was carefully cleared of a colossal 9 tonnes of aged coal slurry!
The bridge was removed by a variety of hot and cold cutting techniques and subsequently crane lifted to an area for processing and removal from site. The Site Manager for this project says “This is now our 5th project of this nature and were happy to add yet another successful bridge removal to our portfolio.”